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  • ... outside the installation space on a second bed. A video image of the combined audiences together on the projection bed allow...
  • Seascape -
    ... series of gradually unfolding digital seascapes created using imagery captured by webcams installed at five key coastal vantage...
  • ... systems that fully cover the buildings to achieve large scale image displays. While LEDs are very expensive, monitor walls hardly...
  • Surface Tension -
    ...Surface Tension is an interactive installation where an image of a giant human eye follows the observer with orwellian precision. This work...
  • ... on opposite walls of the exhibition space. The 'Observations image' positions all the sightings at their astronomical coordinates...
  • ... proverbial "Eternal Triangle". Each screen section carries an image of the individual protagonist in situ (for example in their...
  • ... infection was causing millions of deaths around the world. The image represents a colorized CAT scan of a person called Messiah who...
  • Up to 625 -
    ...5, functions on a structure accessed through the five key colors. A first image in five colors ramifies into five images, which in turn lead to...
  • ... installation data.tron, where each single pixel of visual image is strictly calculated by mathematical principle, composed from...
  • Sans Armes Citoyens -
    ... send out a clear signal to humanity, always sensitive to the image of the Age of Enlightenment, the Revolution and Human Rights,...