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  • ... project, 4-channel video installation and interactive...
  • ...This installation is asite-specific work in progress. A colour...
  • Taken -
    ..."Taken" is a surveillance installation that provides two readings of...
  • Time Stratum II -
    ...wai about Time Stratum II: "In this installation, I placed 120 paper...
  • ...The augmented reality installation "Carnation Rain" creates a space...
  • ... earth. The virtual world however is a non-cartesian space... The interactive 3D virtual reality installation "The Travels of...
  • Great Wall of China -
    ... and an interactive installation (1999). The...
  • ... time reference, and showing a different time-space... (1993) is an interactive installation devised for Antwerp...
  • Point to Point -
    ..."Point to Point" (Networked installation, website, computer,...
  • Desert rain -
    ... during the conflict and how ‘real’ it all felt (Blast... of ‘performance, game, installation and virtual reality’...