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  • ... as a public art installation has the form of an eye cut out of insulation panels on a...
  • ... of the infrasonic audio signals (in the form of pulsed sine waves) continuously above and...
  • ... and veiled reflections. The fractal-like form on the plate is a computer-modified image of...
  • The Quarxs -
    ... They have evolved into highly unusual forms because of their unique relationship with...
  • ... art is a lowest common denominator for a formal description of their artistic practice...
  • Mediaflow - video
    ... and take on a narrative position. The formal structure of the Media Flow installation is...
  • Time and Time again -
    ... and a machine wannabe, its child-like form implies an alien perspective. From a corner...
  • Virtual Book -
    ... sounds and videos be documented in one formal structure? Google Books are awesome. One...
  • mimesia -
    ... of illusions that mimic nature, a form of technological artifice, so common in...
  • Machines & Souls -
    ... would occur in an instant. Acylric forms and chromatic light, 2.4 metres x 1.2 x 0.2...