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  • Morpho Tower -
    ... as helical so that the fluid can migrate to the top of the helical... voltage and AC pattern. Each data record has a time stamp that...
  • Morphogenesis -
    ... coupled and operate on the same data set constituting the genom,...
  • MRI Butterfly -
    ... to the way the brain receives data. In a hide-and-seek type of...
  • ... sound of the car. The captured data was then used to create an exact...
  • ... In Feynman’s diagram he revels how all points on the surface of the... a data image of a 7 nanometer scan of a silver substrate from the... concept for Multiverse uses a data image of a 7 nanometer scan of a...
  • ... 93) calculates the positional data for the representation of the...
    ... la même pratique. Soit elles se cantonnent à un usage individuel soit...
  • My Black Cat -
    ... environment in which everybody can 'be creative', be rebellious, play... In a series of 'test cases', Knowbotic Research investigate the construction of...
  • n0time -
    ... relationships demand time. How do we approach social environments... of social networks can be used to create new types of... representing information data-bodies of people connected to the...
  • Knowbotic Research investigates in the context of the "war of terror" legal...