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  • Dioramas of the Divine is a series of abstracted, interactive landscapes inspired by Greek mythology. The triptych creates a unified vision of awe and power, which is divided into three distinct scenes seen from the perspectives of the gods Zeus and
  • Two Dimensional -
    Two DimensionalArtist: IJWBAAComment:
  • Three Dimensional -
    Three DimensionalArtist: IJWBAAComment:
  • Animation -
    AnimationArtist: IJWBAAComment:
  • Illustration -
    IllustrationArtist: IJWBAAComment:
  • I Just Wannabe An Artist (book 1 & 2)Artist: IJWBAAComment:
  • Tele-Lectures -
    Tele-Lectures - Streaming Service 2001-2004 has a wide range of video documentation of lectures by renowned artists and academics produced in collaboration with well-known partners from the fields of culture and science. Selected
  • Virtual Book -
    ... sounds and videos be documented in one formal structure? Google Books are awesome....
  • Audible Collage -
    ... Textcollage Textmix Digitale Transformationen? wurde am zweiten Dezember 2004 auf der...
  • Media Art Learning -
    ... wie SchülerInnen Videoclips oder Animationen produzieren, wie aus Abfallmaterialien...