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  • I"TV : INTERACTIVE IMMERSIVE TV 1999 / 01 i2tv is a model for an electronic arena that explores a new form of live artistic production integrating on-line participants with participants at a real physical location. Participants take part in a
  • Extensions -
    Extensions (1999-2000) was my contribution to a group project called "Reaching", which set out to look at networking as a metaphor for various ways of communicating or of "reaching" from one point or person to another. The other artists were Susan
  • Riot -
    Alternative web browser: The Tompkins Square riots and the state sponsored enforcement of gentrification in New York's East Village in the '90s inspired Riot, an alternative browser that crosses the virtual boundaries in the web. Riot breaks the
  • Retelling - video
    Fragments of the image "At the Bar" are continuously re-ordered each time resulting in a new composition. With George Legrady's artistic direction, Angus Forbes contributed the visualization software.
  • ArsRss -
    ArsRSS re-reads between approximately 100 art and new media related RSS feeds twice-daily, caches the feeds and completely re-writes its database of words found in the feeds. This makes for fast response times both for searching across feeds and for
  • Babel -
    Babel is a site specific work for a non-site. The context of the work is non-physical. The site is an abstract thing...information space and the taxonomy of knowledge that all libraries represent...which the Internet, where the project is realised,
  • The Distorted Barbie -
    "The distorted Barbie" is a web-art installation that displayed digitally altered images of Barbie dolls in order to comment on Barbie as a cultural/commercial symbol and pop-icon. He published his original Distorted Barbie both on his own site at
  • Animal Locomotion -
    In Animal Locomotion (1996-2000), which began with drawings made from Muybridge's photographs of figures in motion, the viewer interactively changes the configuration of the site through interactive image manipulation. The server keeps track of the
  • ScanLink can be described as walking the web backwards. The underlying topology of connectedness, such as popularity and power distribution, is shown through a reverse traversal of links for any given web page. Using ScanLink the user can select a
  • GeoSCAPE -
    GeoSCAPE is a reconstructive tool for capturing measurement data in field archaeology and facilitating a 3-D visualization of an excavation rendered in computer graphics. This project is carried out by extending a recently developed