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  • We are Stardust -
    ... of Design in Pasadena. Following discussions...
  • The November 1973 issue of Scientific American featured an article titled “The Recognition of Faces” by Bell Labs researcher Leon Harmon that explained how we perceive pixelated digital photographic images. Using a low-resolution, portrait of
  • 14#BIS -
    Expanded interactions and mixed landscape generate the 14#bis biocybrid system, to celebrate the 50th birthay of Brasilia. In a public event, by exploring mobile and locative interface in mixed reality, we put in the sky of the Brazilian capital,
  • VR Aquarium - video
    VR AQUARIUM offered immersion in VR at the digital cavern of the NTAV Lab, installed at the Museum of Natural Sciences of the University of Caxias do Sul. The environment aesthetical appeal was the augmented reality and telepresence which enhanced
  • Campos | Temporales -
    ... 2021. As a student and frequent musical...
  • Living Tattoos -
    ... way to look for identity transcendence: from...
  • ... of the independence of Latin American...
  • CAVERN OF TRANCEArtist: Diana DominguesComment:
  • acrylic paint on plexiglass, UV light reflector dim: 105 x 180 cm (each, series of 7) Photo by: Boštjan Pucelj, Archive Gallery Krško; DK / Archive KIBLA A series of images on Plexiglas shows a selection of two-dimensional diagrams of skyrmion
  • #1 Vortex #2 Torus #3 Skyrmion Lattice #4 Skyrmion Collapse #5 Cross (B=16 Skyrmion) #6 Spiral (cross-section of horizontal vortex) kinetic light objects (series of 6) plexiglass, LED reflectors, turntables variable dimensions, diameter: 60 cm,