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  • ... software designed to produce aesthetically coherent compositions in 3D volumetric space according to visual rules...
  • ... images stored in database servers around the world. Each composition in the collection is unique, printed on Hahnemühle...
  • ... layers are either distinct images in themselves, or composites of multiple photographs to accentuate visual density and...
  • Cadence -
    ...Animated film poem created with a constellation of common wayside flowers, gathered during walks on land reclaimed from the sea along the shore...
  • Refraction
    "Refraction" explores the cinematic narrative of the photographic image in a non-electronic form, the lenticular medium, a process in which two or more images can be seen sequentially simply through the changing of the observer’s viewing
  • ...Virtual 3D Library for the University of KonstanzArtist: Daniel RihaComment:
  • ... in Jan Hus Museum, Konstanz, GermanyArtist: Daniel RihaComment:
  • Two Trees
    ... still cameras but this time I as able to use the drone to more completely see them and established a temporal experience. The...
  • We are Stardust -
    ... Burbano Valdes, today professor in Barcelona, and the upcoming Chair of Siggraph in 2024. The engineering was realized by...
  • ... of various frequencies that modulate each other resulting in complex patterns within the two-dimensional space of the image plane....