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  • Anamorph-Voronoi, is an image-generating software designed to produce aesthetically coherent compositions in 3D volumetric space according to visual rules translated into computer code. Inspired by the historian Jurgis Baltrusaitis’ study of
  • Imaginary Workspaces is a series inspired by dystopian science fiction narratives as written by Stanislaw Lem and Philip K. Dick that imagine fictional industrial workspaces. This collection of invented images oscillate between retro futuristic
  • ... taken in those places during the artist’s one year trip to Europe and the Middle East. The...
  • Cadence -
    ... river environments and coastal zones. Moore and Parker develop their response to...
  • Refraction
    ... the desire to see, imposing onto what one is seeing, and the role of technologies by...
  • Virtual 3D Library for the University of KonstanzArtist: Daniel RihaComment:
  • Multimedia Part of Permanent Exhibition in Jan Hus Museum, Konstanz, GermanyArtist: Daniel RihaComment:
  • Two Trees
    ... Oregon, Wisconsin using a Mavic 2 Pro drone. The two trees in this piece have for years...
  • We are Stardust -
    ... screen projections in the installation. One projection featured the chronological sequence...
  • The November 1973 issue of Scientific American featured an article titled “The Recognition of Faces” by Bell Labs researcher Leon Harmon that explained how we perceive pixelated digital photographic images. Using a low-resolution, portrait of