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  • Drive -
    ... a post-cinematic language -- one that has...
  • It´s time
    ... comprises a large clock display covering...
  • The Eighth Day -
    ... The Eighth Day was shown from October 25 to... in the world at large. The Eighth Day...
  • Sacred Code -
    ... on computers, and as large scale prints that show...
  • Timetable
    ... to save time and to waste it, to find time and to... from above onto a large circular table. Twelve...
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ... embodies a meta-language of functional...
  • ... an abstract visual language. She is...
  • Given
    ... m (38 x 8.5 ft) or larger Don Ritter, 2020 video...
  • Tower
    ... Text the corpus was formed as a mash-up of... evolutionary tree of language, resembling the...
  • ... all of these works was the artist's voice,... and poly-valent language. The material...