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  • Homunculus Agora -
    homunculus agora (h.a) is a large-scale architectonic installation of several dozen sculptural bodies (homunculi) that are organized in a fluid-like cluster, appearing at the Markham Museum in the Land|Slide Possible Futures exhibit from September
  • Kinetic light installation reflective foil, artificial resin, rotating motor, lights, plexiglass, light reflections variable dimensions A transparent picture is suspended on a rotating engine installed on the ceiling and is illuminated by two
  • Kinetic light installation bended plexiglas, light projection and reflection, electronic light modulator variable dimensions Four projectors illuminate a bent piece of plexiglass positioned horizontally on the floor that reflects a multi-layered
  • Site-specific installation (La Cittadele, Saint-Tropez) plexiglass (150 x 200 cm), resin, light projection, sand 'Working with nature, Uršula Berlot sets out to discover its underlying principles, subtly intangible yet overtly percpetible. Her
  • four kinetic objects with magnets and metal particles dim: diameter 12 cm Kinetic objects take part in the multimedia project Attractions – Similarities that focuses on magnetism as a physical phenomenon, by visualizing it in various ways, using
    multimedia interactive sound-light installation The Incubator is an interactive audio-visual installation that represents a self-sustained, circularly arranged dynamic system that translates tactile signals into audio and visual events. A viewer
    Bend plexiglass, reflected light Dim: 100 x 200 x 60-80 cm 'An object by Ursula: a monochromatic shadowy image drawn on a white screen, on the floor or on the wall, by reflected light shining though deformed and corrugated plexiglass. This shadowy
  • A HUMANISED BUTTERFLY NAMED LEDA MELANITIS Yiannis Melanitis physical information exhanges between organisms The terms ‘‘gene,’’ ‘‘organism,’’ and ‘‘species’’ have been used in a wide variety of ways, in a wide variety of contexts. Anyone who
  • Water Catalogue Linear Video 1984 1984, 27:30 min, color, sound A lyrical fusion of hypnotic images, original music and spoken narrative text, The Water Catalogue is a meditation on the power and poetry of water. In this impressionistic "video
  • T-wo.gen
    The text from The World Generator / The Engine of Desire was printed out and put into a physical installation. The spoken text was presented in the space. The Illusive Nature of Context: The Negotiation of the Thoughtbody Bill Seaman The World