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  • TextArc
    ... resource: human visual processing. It compliments approaches...
  • ... from me? Blow Up’s simultaneous processes of recording, translation and...
  • Animal Locomotion -
    ... is embedded in a non-linear process that can never be entirely...
  • Heliotrope -
    ... creativity, yet rapt by the process of rationalisation. In the... a Mediterranean flower which is named after its tendency to follow the...
  • ... other than the interpretive processes within a computer that will...
  • ... of plants. It has been realized processing such consociations with the...
  • ... and new investment. As this process takes place the story that...
  • The Unemployed -
    ... / data visualization Processing applet, video camera,...
  • Metroscopes -
    ... are each mounted on individual columns in the Ropewalks Square. The...
  • ... supercomputer with 65,536 processors, it was the brainchild of... themselves, hence the name "Connection Machine". From...