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  • Sauna01-02 - video
    ... resembling what Sponge termed a "cargo cult MRI chamber." The Sauna tube is...
  • POPUREVE - video
    ... several recurring themes about freedom, equality and the guillotine, is Stenger's...
  • Memopol-II
    ... document such as a national ID card or a passport is inserted into it, the...
  • Mediaflow - video
    ... of streams of information that can be freely selected and rearranged. Art historian...
  • Memopol I
    ... on the Internet, paying with an ATM card, or using an ID card, people leave their...
  • Magic Forest. 2002. Was made for the exhibition Head On in 2002, a show at the Science Museum on neurology and the brain. The work was produced in collaboration with Wellcome Foundation. The final work is a dream-like journey through a sea of
  • ... Nixon, John Coplans, Melanie Manchot, Carla Bromhead, Susie Rea, Valerie Laws, Susan...
  • ... the neighborhoods of New York? team Carlo Ratti group director, Kristian Kloeckl...
  • ... of the negative consequences of this cartel. In fact the Internet has't improved its...
  • ... are losing their pensions and health care. However, it is not about the evil companies,...