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  • Shadows -
    ... are, but also fear the approach of viewers and will run...
  • The Library -
    ... information, creative approaches to navigation and...
  • A New Life -
    ... processes; the radical appropriation of religious...
  • Recombinant Icon -
    ... side of the screen is captured and re-scaled to become... on the grid, blown up to approximately 10 times their...
  • Tristero -
    ... inscribe and re-direct apparently innocent letters as a...
  • ... technologies and capitalist consumerism. The... When the viewer approaches, they hear audio of...
  • Echelon -
    ... Echelon is reportedly capable of interecepting large... by the artist at the appropriate time - the effect...
  • ... The video which appears on these monitors is of a...
  • ... high opinion of our capacity for rational thought....
  • ... Jubilee. Damien Hirst's apparition will float in the...