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    ... over them, and remotely control their networked devices. Visitors would hear smart home...
  • Pine Family -
    ... takes inspiration from the underground networks, information sharing and mutual support...
  • Planchette Bot -
    ... rigorous research. The use of neural networks, Machine Learning models and speech...
  • EDEN -
    ...E D E N is a new kind of organic network based on vegetal medium. As we know, all vegetal species can...
  • EDEN Echigo-Tsumari -
    ... into a comprehensive and open network. The trees included into the project can...
  • NET(WORK) -
    ...The projetct is dedicated to the phenomenon of nets. As we know, nets are some of the primary means for...
  • ... of lost cultures. BNW (Biological NetWork) is a series of technology-based works at...
  • ... a concept for a telecollaborative network connecting informal public multimedia...
  • ... character of the 110-meter-long “netwalk” of the EnBW building in Stuttgart, which...
    ... joining diverse aspects, such as social network, sound, brainwaves and visual elements. It...