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  • ... Garcia Canclini & Andrea Giunta. “Where are... the visitors differentiated levels of access to...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... work, video and digital prints. Other... Merleau-Ponty, McCarthy & Wright, and Burnett,... channel; yet differentiated in their embodiment...
  • ... the unmapped and the unmappable: a system... Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University...
  • ... throughout the space and engage in the... pleasing aesthetics, carefully planned...
  • ...CROSS AND PLANE TO SPACE 2017, stereoscopic 3D animation, HD... other. Given the current victory of virtual...
  • ... Pharaoh statues and sphinxes, DeMille ordered... filming. These discarded simulacra have become...
  • Camerin Obscura -
    ... vision system and a sound server looking...
  • Two Cycles -
    ... almost 100% in free and open source software...
  • Facing Data -
    ... to see using zoom-in and zoom-out. The old...
  • ... using 3 black and white video cameras with... up). The balloon carried a payload with an...