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  • VR/RV
    ... the displacement and disembodiment of a... a virtual reality (VR) theme park, VR/RV explores the... virtual reality environment. On a drive in a recreational...
  • Menagerie
    ... by virtual characters and presences specially designed... is to demonstrate one of the first fully immersive Virtual... Virtual Environment installations that is...
  • Virtual Orchestra -
    ... the tempo with one hand and, with the other, directing... musical instruments, the visitor, wearing data gloves,... can be selected from a menu. Various techniques are...
  • The Adding Machine -
    ... invited to join live and computer generated actors in... Live Theatre Meets Virtual Reality On April 18, 1995 the... produced three-dimensional environments within...
  • Tesla Electric -
    ...ctric, the1998 offering from i.e.VR and KU's University Theatre... Tesla Electric, the1998 offering from i.e.VR and KU's University... to the scene we experimented with interjecting animated...
  • Wings -
    ... advance the technology and techniques discovered during... most recent project was to advance the technology and techniques... chosen for the experiment was Wings by Arthur Kopit. By...
  • Panspermia -
    ... theory that life exists and is distributed throughout the... Panspermia is the name for the theory that life exists and is...
  • ... rather than flesh and blood? Artificial Life is the... Artificial Life is the name given to the simulation... computer animation - a menagerie of synthesised forms -...
  • ... armed men, tanks and artillery, piles of rubble,... artwork presented for the first time at Ars Electronica... buildings, armed men, tanks and artillery, piles...
  • ... of a multidimensional and interdisciplinary character... jewish, christian. How they coexisted in a harmonious... s an innovative center of a multidimensional and interdisciplinary...