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  • Morphogenesis -
    ... additionaly change the shape and behavior of the life like organic object via interface box. both systems are coupled and operate on the same data set constituting the genom, actions in the web space effect the real space and vice versa. if a change on...
  • ... Internet. Users were challenged to collectively identify this text by describing their findings and hypotheses in an ongoing Operator's Log.
  • ... exhibition space. The spectators stand on a surrounding balcony where a joystick enables any one of them to interactively operate the work by panning in any lateral direction over the surface of its images and zooming in or out of a chosen part of an...
  • Big father -
    ... any electronic information gathering device which is hooked into this system becomes a sense organ of it. These sense organs operate on a vast range of scales, from the galactic (outward looking satellites and ground based observatories), to the global...
  • ... a patient, Miss Natalija A. She tells him that her mind and body are being manipulated by a mysterious electrical apparatus operated secretly by physicans in Berlin.
  • SonoMorphis - video
    ... change the shape and dynamic behavior of the life-like organic object via an interface box. Both systems are coupled and operate on the same data set constituting the genom. Actions in the web space effect the real space and vice versa. If a change on...
  • Predicatable Lab -
    ... "Predictable Lab" performance refers to the anulment of indeterminism. It addresses the possibility of the outcomes on an operating table, where, instead of natural possibilities in physical space we have artificial possibilities in digital space. What...
  • Froze
    ... doing this. In short, an opportunity to reboot and to start over. Or to install some new software. Or even to install a new operating system (OS). FROZE is the series micro-shows guest curated at Electronic Orphanage by the users of Word, Dreamweaver,...
  • Eden -
    ... spaces are playfully made ambiguous, confusing spatial and sonic boundaries. Installation Configuration The work operates in a darkened room approximately 6m x6m. Two large translucent projection screens form an ‘X’ shape in the center of the...
  • ... A networked version of the work has been shown internationally which enables people in two parts of the world to inhabit and operate within simultaneous copies of the same environment, communicate via video phone, and view the alternate participant as a...