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  • sensegenerator -
    Sensegenerator recombines basic blocks of the german language to form sentences with fresh and unexpected meaning. The physical state of person gives clues for the complexity of the new sentence's structure. Words were sampled from arbitrary
  • Residues - video
    ... the electronic life. What matter is the morphogenetic idea of mutation, regeneration,...
  • Mori
    ... with the Latin "reminder of mortality." In "Mori," the immediacy of the...
  • Shadows -
    ... fluid, as when interacted with they also morph into other characters. Exhibited at the...
  • ASCII_Fur_Engine -
    The ASCII_Fur_Engine is a program-routine that creates random patterns of ascii-characters based on a set of parameters. These patterns can vary in size, shape, color etc. and thus have a wide range of flavors. None of the created ascii-furs is
  • On sight -
    ... in three different sections constantly morphs between male and female. Above this figure,...
  • SoundSlam -
    A DJ's life is hard and spoiling. Deejaying all night in overcrowded clubs and producing trax in the studio causes not only fame but also bad temper. DJs most frequently suffer from muscular atrophy and heart disease. SoundSlam is a high end
  • His Master's Voice -
    HMV is a board game. The players can move semi-autonomous ball robots by making sounds. Form and gravity collude with voice, board and chance. Each ball listens to a certain pitch and starts to move if the right frequency was hummed or sung. The
  • Photogenetics -
    ... project, since there is an idea that a morphing which was done with the knowledge of...
  • Glume -
    ... construct and manipulate models whose morphology is determined through the distributed...