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  • The Globe Show -
    ... from Newport School of Fine Art in the UK and international artist, scientists and academics.
  • Earth Signals -
    ... computers displaying image files, received via E-mail from Artists throughout the UK, for the Omphalos Gallery in Swiss Cottage...
  • A Commodore Amiga hyper-media computer programme, based on the theme of a media reported event from the 1990 Remembrance Ceremony in Whitehall, London. A young man ran out from the crowd and set fire to himself and shouted the words "think about the
  • ... Their techno-aesthetic language is unique and has brought this artist duo great popularity. The traditional rhetorical technique of...
  • Telematic Séance -
    The technology involved in "The Telematic Séance" is much the same as "Telematic Dreaming", however the situation is somewhat different. During the production of "Telematic Dreaming" I discovered many aspects of user interaction that I have brought
  • Conversation -
    ... vision in art, while promoting synesthetic experiences that rearticulate individual consciousness within social, cultural, and...
  • Telematic Vision -
    Artistic Statement by Paul Sermon First there was the bed, then came the sofa. The beginnings of this work started with the installation...
  • Texts Bombs and Videotape - A 24 hour fax, E-mail and SlowScan TV event presented as a telematic workstation between Newport School of Fine Art in the UK, The Hochschule fuer angewandte Kunst in Vienna and the Digital Art Exchange in Pittsburgh,
  • Telematic Encounter -
    Two dispersed installations are connected via an ISDN teleconferencing link, enabling audio and video communication between the two sites. The first installation (location 1), the main gallery installation consists of a table and chair on a carpet
  • Heaven -
    supose we told you about a machine that receives images form heaven would you believe us ? and if we say you may conect to this machine via Cu seeme reflector ? would you try it ? could you believe in a machine that connects you to the globe and