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  • ... board. The installation is architectured on the ubiquitous form of the English terraced house. Using a walk through narrative...
  • ... and convert it into positional data of movement and speed for navigation through a virtual 3D landscape. Sensors detect changes...
  • Handsight
    ... projection screen, a hand-held interface which has the form of an eyeball, and a transparent sphere with a hole, into which...
  • ...In this installation, an interactive format similar to FOURSPACE (1991) has been developed in a different aesthetic direction. The game as a...
  • ... both sites where the work is installed. It introduces the form of an artwork where viewers who are physically separated from...
  • ... strategies that converge the experience of real and virtual formations. The installation itself is set inside a cylindrical space,...
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ... The user interface is a near life-size wooden puppet that is formed like the prosaic artists' mannequin; this figure can be...
  • Octopus -
    ...A large inflatable structure in form of an octopus was inflated inside the museum - the people there dragged about and entangled themselves in...
  • Artificial Landscapes -
    ...'Artificial Landscapes' were Land Art projects in the form of a series of photographic collages, a few of which were actually realized: Cloud of...
  • ... the subject of the aesthetic experience. Each image is shown for only a few frames, constituting momentary retinal impressions that...