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  • ... standardisiert eingerichteten Hotelzimmers stellt sich als...
  • ... of a search for “art” on Hotbot, or all links less than one year...
  • ... site specific installation in a hotel room, Room 33 Gallery,...
  • Lorna - video
    ... much like those in The Dante Hotel. Except that there was a...
  • Room of One`s Own -
    ... fact to those both in THE DANTE HOTEL and LORNA's room. The very...
  • ...Bar Code Hotel recycles the ubiquitous symbols found on every consumer product to...
  • Machinal -
    ... is 1920s New York and a seaside hotel. Suggested by a notorious murder...
  • I like Frank -
    ... and retrieve it. In the Exeter Hotel, in a pool hall and in saddle...
  • Desert rain -
    ... sitting in the very same hotel room that the viewers were in. ...
  • ... images. These 'hotspots' trigger audio/video clips...