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  • TI -
    ...C.E.B. Reas lives and works in Los Angeles. His work focuses on defining processes and translating them...
  • ... devices by means of electronic image. The work comprises five modules that generate a visual...
  • la huella -
    ... 200 x 150 cm La huella is a generative work that evolves in a loop of creation,...
  • ...Light object The work was conceived for the Printscreen Festival in Holon, Israel. Thinking the...
  • Second Promenade -
    ... the complete literary and philosophical work of Rousseau and describes aspects of...
  • ...Lung Shan II, 1990, 72" by 24" Pen & brush plotted work on paper. Click here for detail, left...
  • Torso
    ...A work using simulated recombinant genetic algorithms. The piece used two live computed image sources...
  • Starry, Starry Night -
    ...In this work, every participant is a star in the heaven. With each other of them, they communicate,...
  • Flight Patterns -
    ... in data visualisation. Koblin’s work has been shown at international festivals...
  • ...In the Mind’s I is a one-on-one performative art work in which Warren Neidich utilizes visual memories...