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  • ... might be the foreign person mentioned below the states are altered through reactions to... is used. A machine that doesn’t leave any stone unturned. A machine that points at itself in...
  • Length: 6min. 30sec. Two rectangles turn like prayer wheels on either side of a vertical videographic axis. They show the resonances of a thin layer of sand as it is effected by the audio frequencies of Tibetan music - a conjunction of science and
  • ... 6. Nested Swallow. 1997 Paper Size: 42” by 30” Brush and pen plotted drawing
  • Feedback -
    ... gift in honor of Rifkin by Tom and Kitty Stoner and Audrey and Ken Weil and further expands...
  • plastic trade-off - cooperation with Gerald Nestler --- plastic trade-off is a light sculpture as well as a virtual...
  • Soundcities -
    ... has also been rewarded with a prestigious Nesta Dreamtime Award, an Arts Humanities Creative...
  • framework f5x5x5 -
    ... around its central horizontal axis. This nested principle of a frame in a frame in a frame...
  • ... the fiber optic networks encroaching below ground level that connect the powerhouses of... bottomless pits put into words by Gerald Nestler, in whose lyrics the market as a being...
  • Syracuse Tree -
    ... systems, solar hot water and even nests installed for the bats... Olga Kisseleva's...
  • Pii - video
    Pii relies on the development of an interactive sculpture by using sets of mirrors, matrices of light and different types of sensors that analyze the environment to computationally generate a light and sound response, there by creating a variable