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  • ... being an observer to being a protagonist through an effective embodied narrative process. Innovative technologies that allow... Photosynthetic Me is a bioart, interactive and Immersive installation that emerges from a process-based experiment around the topic of becoming...
  • Fugitive -
    ... that a large part of human understanding is necessarily "embodied". In general, tracker systems for immersive virtual... Fugitive is an interactive artwork which (via a machine vision system) interprets gross bodily movement as an indicator of "mood". The user...
  • ...Part I: on the embodied experience and the augmentation of space
  • ...CAE transforms statistical data on global economic inequality into an embodied spatial experience. Using a helicopter, participants are lifted...
  • ... lone journey from the entrance up to the surface of the screen embodied a virtual journey through a set of images that had been... area to the screen. The visitor walking towards the screen interactively controlled a sequence of transformations in the image...
  • OSMOSE - video
    ... facilitating awareness of one's own self as consciousness embodied in enveloping space. Immersion in Osmose begins with the... An immersive interactive virtual-realty environment installation with 3D computer graphics and interactive 3D sound, a head-mounted display and...
  • Self&Other -
    ... robot performance raises questions about cognitive psychology, embodied interaction, machine learning and computer vision.
  • Halo
    ... 4 large scale video projections, colour, multi-channel interactive sound In collaboration with Sarah Rubidge (choreography)...
  • Alchemy -
    ...Interactive digital video installation 2 interactive laser discs under computer control colour, silent Alchemy is an interactive...
  • ... of gravity. A multi-sensory work of extreme emotions, embodied by the voices of two performers. A world of alienation, where...