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  • MURMURING FIELDS – WALK-IN SOUND SPACE 1997–1999 As part of the EU funded eRENA Project (Electronic Arenas for Art, Culture Entertainment), Fleischmann und Strauss and the MARS lab created Murmuring Fields (1997-99), a sequel to Home of the Brain,
  • This computer graphic installation is a telematic adaptation of THE FRUIT MACHINE (1991). The work connects remote locations to enable simultaneous imaging and real time interaction to take place between both sites where the work is installed. It
  • Memory Theater VR is an example of a virtual museum that embodies original architectural, interface and visualization strategies that converge the experience of real and virtual formations. The installation itself is set inside a cylindrical space,
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ConFIGURING the CAVE is a computer based interactive video installation that assumes a set of technical and pictorial procedures to identify various paradigmatic conjunctions of body and space. The work utilises the CAVE technology stereographic
  • Black Airground -
    A row of three large parachutes were fixed around their perimeter to the floor and continuously inflated with air. A light bulb above each parachute was the only illumination in the installation, and they were individually activated by the pitch and
  • Wind and Rain -
    A room was densely and completely filled with confetti that was being vigorously blown about by big fans. At one point a live elephant was brought into the room and the not realized intention (because the elephant had a cold) was to paint his belly
  • Grassroll -
    An air-inflated tube covered with synthetic grass was placed on a grass field behind the Stendlijk Museum in Amsterdam where passers by could play with it and in whatever way they wished.
  • Dragon - video
    An air-inflated dragon was comissioned for William Klein's film Mr. Freedom. This creature was recycled in a number of urban events where people simply carried it through the streets.
  • Continuous Sound and Image Moments is a hand-drawn black-and-white animated film loop with no beginning or end. Conceived as a cinematic expansion of pictorial means, the process of making thousands of drawings (rather than any individual picture)
  • Emergences of Continuous Forms was one of a series of performances and installations in this period which explored various methods of extending the cinematic image into the space of the viewers and of provoking the viewer's physical