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  • Reactive light environment Public indoor swimming pool, Dornbirn (A), competition 2005- present [English title, loud and quiet] 'LAUTUNDLEISE' was conceived for the newly-built indoor pool in Dornbirn. The interactive light environment dynamizes the
  • acrylic paint on plexiglass, UV light reflector dim: 105 x 180 cm (each, series of 7) Photo by: Boštjan Pucelj, Archive Gallery Krško; DK / Archive KIBLA A series of images on Plexiglas shows a selection of two-dimensional diagrams of skyrmion
  • A white cube was constructed in the club, inverting the familiar “white cube” gallery space. Inside, instructions encouraged participants to disclose secrets into a microphone. Their mute video was displayed on the dance floor, while their
  • Grass - video
    The original programming language "GRASS" (GRAphics Symbiosis System) was developed by Thomas DeFanti for his Ph.D. dissertation at The Ohio State University in 1974. For further information, see Wayne Carlson, Historical Significance In 1969, the