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  • ...On a dark computerscreen the viewer sees a threedimensional sphere with a surface showing a closeup...
  • ... earth serves as a nursery for a single seed. Through a video projector suspended above...
  • ... familiar reality. Similarly, behind the seemingly functional search trajectories and...
  • ... hears; the eye is not merely a thing that sees." The visitor is overcome by the...
  • Art-ID/Cyb-ID -
    ... identities in cyberspace. As the user seeks even further for associative links between...
  • Fleeting Words -
    ... on the theme of "Cybermedia". The viewer sees text statements in English and Spanish but...
  • America`s Finest -
    ... and conscientious objectifier to what it sees, tracks and records. There are 40 images....
  • ... In Tillie's case, the left eye sees in color and records ­ in real time ­ exactly...
  • ... the floor facing each other.The audience sees no interactions between chairs. The...
  • Boids
    ... predictive obstacle avoidance and goal seeking. Obstacle avoidance allowed the boids to...