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  • Magnet -
    Interactive digital video projection environment 14 x 8 x 7 metres 2 large scale video projections, black and white, multi-channel interactive sound In collaboration with Stuart Jones (sound) Produced whilst Artist In Residence at the
  • I like Frank -
    In March 2004 Blast Theory premiered the world's first 3G mixed reality game, I Like Frank in Adelaide, at the Adelaide Fringe. I Like Frank took place online at and on the streets using 3G phones. Players in the real
  • THE MEDUSA PROJECT (AUTOBIOGRAPHY) refers to the relationship between women and power as depicted in both ancient mythology, and in postmodern culture. It represents my attempt to directly merge personal history and influences into the production of
  • "Voice of Sisyphus" is a multimedia installation in which the image "At the Bar" is filtered by a computer program which then reads the segments and produces sounds out of them resulting in a continuously evolving composition. With George
  • Could this be the future of cinema? ''The Paradise Institute,'' by Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller, is an almost scarily captivating 13-minute multimedia experience. But the artists' mind-boggling interweaving of
  • Plain Text -
    The Plain Text series plays on the “infinite monkey theorem”. It states that given an infinite amount of monkeys, typewriters, and time, the monkeys will type out any particularly text you choose. If one instructs the monkeys (or monkey simulators),
  • DECONversation -
    Press release: "DECONISM Gallery (Toronto), presents an evening's dialogue between Maurice Benayoun, an internationally recognized interactive virtual reality artist and public intellectual in the area of new media and technology, and Professor
  • Cityscapes
    Overview Cityscapes (2008) provides a common ground where people can share their experiences of the places where they live and have lived, or visited, even of places they've imagined, read about, hope or have hoped to visit. Cityscapes is not only
  • T_Visionarium, by Neil Brown, Dennis Del Favero, Matt McGinity, Jeffrey Shaw, Peter Weibel, is an experimental new media work that offers the means to capture and re-present televisual information, allowing viewers to explore and actively edit a
  • Seit den 90er Jahren haben sich zwischen den Künstler und sein Publikum jede Menge Apparate und Apparaturen geschoben. Kommunikation geschieht geplant, kontrolliert, reduziert, erweitert – kurz: posthuman. Dabei wird in Kauf genommen, dass jedes