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  • ... Tillie are looking at through their right eyes. In other words, they see through her eyes. Furthermore, viewers can turn...
  • Third Person -
    ... piece shows the viewer's shadow revealing hundreds of tiny words that are in fact all the verbs of the dictionary conjugated in...
  • ... ran out from the crowd and set fire to himself and shouted the words "think about the people now" in protest against the ceremony....
  • Things Spoken -
    ... comes from within these spoken narratives. Specific words are hyper-textually linked to any re- occurrences of those words...
  • The Wish - video
    ... homes and no cities, the citizens went to the hills and left words of despair on abandonned shelves. Tomb Guardians from ancient...
  • ... The Tables Turned takes its title from a poem by William Wordsworth of almost the same name. The original poem accuses the...
  • ... by nerves and veins. The name of each bodypart is a play with words for its virtual function: the Heart&Blood Room, the Breathing...
  • the leap -
    ... sentences and sections of the text. The combination of the words are generated by the riding of the buck. An interactive sound...
  • ... is seen as a sphere and the child as its centre. In other words, the depicted world is the child's own private universe; shaped...
  • The Eighth Day -
    ... artificial ecological system it resonates with the words in the title, which add one day to the period of creation of the...