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  • ... World. MoBen received close to 30 awards including 4 Ars Electronica awards (and the...
  • ... image/simulation and original is becoming increasingly blurred.' - Tomislav Vignjevi?,...
    ... with custom-designed smart devices, including cameras, microphones, lights, and other...
  • ... important part of the agenda of science, including in Israel. In the Negev and in the Arava...
  • ... traditional fine art media and the ever increasing possibilities of digital media. After a...
  • ... artificial light and the unknown in the incarnate - of selfhood in an eternally lasting...
  • Primitive
    ...The primitives, whose components include the platonic solids, function as basic modules in every...
  • ... Brain Factory is a multi-layers project including interactive installations, reified...
  • ... technology by Mark-David Hosale and incorporating biosensors by Alan Macy, performed...
  • Zero City -
    ... of the pack is based on the following two incentives: to give and to receive emptiness. An...