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  • After Pey-Chwen Lin completed the “Making of Eve Clone I”, she created an interactive installation, the “Great Image of Eve Clone”, to further explore the relationship between humans and Eve Clone — the way a human gave life to Eve Clone is similar
  • After Pey-Chwen Lin completed the “Making of Eve Clone I”, she created an interactive installation, the “Great Image of Eve Clone”, to further explore the relationship between humans and Eve Clone — the way a human gave life to Eve Clone is similar
  • Infinity of Sound-Light Scope Away invites the audiences to record a piece of the singing of their signature song with mobile phones and transmits the recorded voice to the mirror space to create fascinating new songs. When audiences enter the room
  • In Timo Kahlen's interactive film and sound projections, 21 works of net art (2005 - 2020), complex and subtle compositions of text, image, sound and vibration are generated - always different and live - according to the varying position, direction
  • Augenschein — a light installation for the Stieglerhaus, St. Stefan ob Stainz, AT The eye has always played a vital role in human history, whether as the organ of vision or as a pivotal cultural symbol in the arts of all ages. In digital and new
  • 24hr video loop for LED mosaic, permanently installed in the entrance lobby of the F. Hoffmann - La Roche home for IT (HIT255) in Kaiseraugst, Switzerland. Themed with the two cycles of life and sun, the 33 x 14 ft mosaic, like an archeological
  • Search for Simurgh is an immersive, interactive performance installation named for the Persian mythological bird akin to a Phoenix. In Search for Simurgh, the audience will move through a series of chambers as they take an active role in this
  • Mark-David Hosale and Jim Madsen (2019) Messages art + science exhibition, Memorial Union Gallery, Maidson, Wisconsin June 14th - August 2nd, 2019 Held in conjunction with the 2019 International Cosmic Ray Conference July 24th - Aug 1st, 2019.
  • REFLEXION - In Sync / Out of Sync - is a real-time light and sound installation consisting of electroluminescent (EL) wires and octophonic (8.2) sound. The main concept is based on research showing that our heartbeats can be synchronised by
  • This experimental animation approaches Hong Kong’s built environment from the conceptual perspective of celluloid film, by applying the technique of film animation to the photographic image. The city’s signature architecture of horizon-eclipsing