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  • Post Brands -
    ..."This is a triptych of three street art pieces that starred in a poster campaign that took place over several years in a number of European...
  • Traceability -
    ... As a result, when we see the animation, we will feel virtual trip of urban space like "Electric wave ride" as if we were a radio...
  • ... there are be 108 video pieces in total, associated with the triptychs. That is: each verse can be performed by any of the...
  • ... à la stochastique synaptique de Minh. Double the power, triple the profits Gordon Z. Moore, 1995 Structuration soft -...
  • FemCity -
    ... will invite them to enter: A steady job, higher education, a trip to a Caribbean island, a dreamscape, fast and easy money without...
  • enter project here:artport.whitney.orgScroll down to the bottom of the code to launch its results.Please adjust your Java Security Settings in order to launch the Programme.Commissioned by the Whitney Museum.
  • ... mirrors modifying slightly the ambience. The video shows a trip from Rio de Janeiro to Niterói, arriving at the Museum/MAC -...
  • ... stereo headphones. It contains a tape that displays a short trip through the Museum, complete with a soundtrack featuring...
  • HAZE Express - video
    ... that become part of the semi-realistic and semi-virtual trip through data landscapes. Interaction/Genetic Selection : ...
  • Gaia EVII, 5. 30" by 22", 1995. Algorithmic pen and ink drawing with artist's studio seal in red. The seal characters read "Little Path Studio" for "Pathway Studio". Las piezas de la serie “Gaia” son caracterizadas por una fuerte semejanza