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  • ... of Mayan Glyphs that showcase the 'front end' of digital... bioproducts, this third installation piece is composed of...
  • ...eo loop for LED mosaic, permanently installed in the entrance lobby...
  • Alchemy -
    ...Interactive digital video installation 2 interactive laser discs...
  • Alembic
    ... this interactive installation is the product of...
  • ...Playing Alphabet is an interactive installation composed of two...
  • ... imagery showed a room that reproduced the... In this installation at the International Art & Science Exhibition a...
  • Alpha Blend - video
    ... system. This piece shows the viewer's presence... public art installation "Body Movies". Half...
  • ...Alsos* Sound and interactive installation Alsos* is an interactive...
  • ... excerpt from a 50 minute Installation.
  • ... of offline conceptual installations and stolen books...