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  • Activism -
    ACTivism was a computer videogame created by Beatriz Albuquerque in 2005-2007, exploring activist key words that functioned in the audience as a way to remember, transform persons that read them and further contemplate afterwards. With
  • ADA consists in a device that captures sounds and images from every day activities of Itaú Cultural Center processes this data and give it back to the street. The most visible interface of ADA is a conic white construction that is integrated in the
  • Le concept de la Main Invisible développé par Adam Smith m’a toujours fasciné. En ces périodes électorales étasuniennes où il est brandi comme argument ultime, quasi mystique, pour justifier la position de ceux qui pensent que leur égoïsme assumé
  • After Tomorrow -
    ... The Divine Comedy by Dante converted into electrical circuitry which in turn consists of...
  • BIRLINGHOVEN CASTLE : GENERATIVE CM5 SERIES 1993 Remembering AI in the early 1990s: Image generation with the CM-5 connection machine of the Thinking Machines Corporation at the GMD - National Research Center for Information Technology. We're
  • Between two sheets of perspex, 32 channels have been woven out of a transparent plastic tubing. Extending approx. 30m, these channels run from the outside of the building, over and through te front entrance, and thenm along the ceiling of the foyer
  • AirBoard -
    a board ride on the air Air Board is a sculptured board with jet engine and made for the purpose of hovering in the air. It is loaded with small turbojet engine and allows one person to stand on and hovers a few centimeters high above the ground
  • Akousmaflore is an interactive installation, a small garden composed of living musical plants, which react to gentle contact. Each plant reacts in a different way to contact by producing a specific sound. The plant «language» or song occurs through
  • AL GRANO: Augmented Cereals is an art, science and technology installation in public space. This is an Augmented Reality work in which consumers interact with the work via smartphone in a supermarket breakfast cereal aisle, using an Augmented
  • AL GRANO: Augmented Cereals (Version 02) showing a gallery visitor interacting with the piece using a smartphone and an app (aurasma). This is Augmented Reality work lives in two spaces: in a supermarket cereal aisle in which consumers interact