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  • ... Hannes Leopoldseder Olive Grau Frider Nake Hans Dehlinger Mark Wilson Wolfgang Lieser Gerfried Stocker Georg Peithner Lichtenfels Anita Beckers Antoinette Aeroldi Dirk Maas Peter Weibel Gregory Garvey ...
  • The essential component of wavy flow is the vortex. In isolation, a single vortex simply influences its surroundings to orbit around itself at a speed proportional to the inverse square of the distance to the vortex's axis. When a large number of
  • Rigid Waves - video
    ... of identifying reflection with the disintegrative creation of autonomous self-images-images of the self that are not stocked by the self they image. It is an attempt to look at oneself from the outside or even from behind, to stand next to oneself...
  • ... social model no2 (sensoric transformation), on Beeoff Hagdahl takes the discussion further. A camera is placed somewhere in Stockholm where it registers motions in traffic and people walking. The registration of the camera is converted to impulses that are...
  • ... social model no2 (sensoric transformation), on Beeoff Hagdahl takes the discussion further. A camera is placed somewhere in Stockholm where it registers motions in traffic and people walking. The registration of the camera is converted to impulses that are...
  • ... the cytosceleton, the mitocondria.. The work SOFT FACTORY was constructed at the Royal Institute of Technology KTH Stockholm and at the Medialab of Aalborg University Denmark 2008-2009. Inaugurated at the MediaLab at Aalborg University in 2010.
  • Spectropia -
    ... Spectropia, an interactive movie shot on digital video, is a time travel drama set in the future and in NYC 1931 after the stock market crash. It uses the metaphor of supernatural possession to explore new constuctions of subjectivity and the disorders...
  • ... mannequin or 'Judy,' located next to a computer and several monitors of varying sizes. In large type, the stock ticker symbol and price which is being tracked, marches from right to left across the monitor screens as the stock price is...
  • Stockspace -
    Generator.x is a curatorial platform exploring the use of generative strategies and software processes in digital art, architecture and design. It focuses on a new generation of artists and designers who embrace code as a way of producing new forms
  • ... and it hides the protagonist’s face. I was inspired to do that after reading an interview with electronic composer Karlheinz Stockhausen about the repeating and compressed time-scaled structuring inside one of his musical works.