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  • ... lightly them. A plant concert is created. In their artwork, the artists Scenocosme create hybrids between plants and digital technology. Plants are natural sensors and are sensitive to various energy flows. Digital technologies permit them to...
  • ... space) AL GRANO: Corn Regime (film short) AL GRANO: Crop Cropping (interactive app) AL GRANO: Hack (glitched, or corrupted digital photos of GM corn) AL GRANO: Injection-Infection (sculptures produced with a 3D printer) AL GRANO: Sugar Daddy (looped video...
  • ... is a gallery installation composed of 3 interwoven works that speak to these ideas. Al Grano: Hack Based on the manipulation of digital codes - the underlying language of genetic systems - “Al Grano: Hack” is a series of electronically corrupted digital images of...
  • ...AL GRANO: Framing Worlds deploys a staging of fact and ction where various registers of images, texts and objects, coexist. These digitally produced 2D and 3D pieces have as common element the manipulation of languages, histories and codes (the latter pointing to the...
  • Alchemy -
    ...Interactive digital video installation 2 interactive laser discs under computer control colour, silent Alchemy is an interactive illuminated manuscript, inspired by medieval books such as Les Tres Riches Heures de Duc De Berry. The theme of the book is the...
  • ... Molnar, Agnes Denes, Gruppo N, Friede Nake, to name a few, whose work can be considered as historical precedents to current digital based media arts.
  • All you can see -
    ... be represented on the screen today. If these are shown all at once, a condensation in pure white is generated in the digital picture production. Translated into a timebased work the video all you can see (2008) shows all that is possible: Countless...
  • ... target. We eluded their copyright protections with a sophisticated hack of the "Search Inside" service. We stole complete digital volumes of books, reassembled them into .pdf format and redistributed them for free. The project generated reactions from the...
  • Ambient Fixtures -
    ... information through their changes in form, movement, sound, color, and light. Ambient Fixtures are persistently connected to digital information sources, continually displaying changing bits within the physical environment. Aesthetics is the major focus....
  • ... transformation of narrative construction and the play between diverse ideological sub-texts effected through the impact of digital, non-linear media. Not only to produce a work that raises questions about the politics of story telling but also to consider...