Archive Search

  • ... was one of a series of performances and installations in...
  • ...ion of a Fish Pond was one of three performances during the...
  • Glove Screen -
    ...This work was one of three performances during the exhibition This is...
  • Corpocinema -
    ... in a series of open-air performances in Rotterdam and...
  • Book Plumbing -
    ... the centerpieces was a performance using a Penguin...
  • MovieMovie - video
    ...This expanded cinema performance was specially created for the...
  • ... projected onto a live performance of professional...
  • Alpevent -
    ... of the room. A further performance element were clusters...
  • ... for Sonsbeek buiten de perken. Besides the Information...
  • Diadrama
    ...The Diadrama was an audio-visual performance with over 2000 slides...