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  • Poetica Vaginal -
    ... of Technology’s Millstone radar. In 1995, the organization ars astronautica held the first art exhibition in space onboard the MIR...
  • ... The 'Observations image' positions all the sightings at their astronomical coordinates over a map of the universe. To cycle through...
  • Kidnap -
    ... initial phase of observation of the short-listed candidates, Blast Theory selected two ‘winners’ at random. On a chosen date, the...
  • Desert rain -
    ... the imaginary have become increasingly entwined.’ (Adams in Blast Theory, 2002). Exposing ‘the fragility and interconnectedness of...
  • Flypad -
    The company has also been commissioned to create a major, new permanent installation for THEpUBLIC in West Bromwich UK, due to open in 2006. Using Augmented Reality, Flypad will generate avatars from a 'data body' - information
  • Day of the Figurines -
    ... of the IPerG project, a large European consortium led by Blast Theory, SICS - Swedish Institute of Computer Science, HUMLE and ICE...
  • Feedback -
    Janet Cardiff's “Feedback” (2004) is an interactive sound piece that plays a Jimi Hendrix rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner” when the visitor steps on a wah-wah pedal. “Feedback” is a gift in honor of Rifkin by Tom and Kitty Stoner and
  • Paris VideoPlan -
    Paris VideoPlan was commissioned by the RATP (Paris Metro) to map the Madeleine district of Paris from the point-of-view of walking down the sidewalk. It was filmed with a stop-frame 35mm camera mounted on an electric cart, filming one frame every 2
  • ... the sculpture by means of the innovative technique of fast prototyping (Stratoconception®). CITU, universities Paris1 and...
  • e-Spotting (Emotion Spotting) Internet VR installation a music/internet performance and installation at the Palazzo Strozzi Seen as the world nervous system, the Net should now be the best way to know where pain and pleasure are located