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  • Re-Lighting -
    ...About 300 km above the Earth (the orbital altitude of the International Space...
  • Inland Wonderland -
    ... figure begins to move and starts to run in disorder, triggering...
  • ... = 24 hours Credits: Software: Martin Nadal Seed image: Nam June Paik,...
  • ... invites visitors to take part in a site-specific virtual and...
  • MicroCosm -
    ... light years away surround the earth, and we humans can be imagined as...
  • Twin Depths -
    ... smartphone ... And now artist, 70% consisting of water, is...
  • Inertia
    ... observer finds themselves in an artificial 360° panorama. Initially,...
  • ... hold a dual role as visual artworks and triggers for the augmented...
  • Winnipeg Turing Test -
    ...Winnipeg Turing TestArtist: Dinka PignonComment:
  • ...Highway (Digitally manufactured painting)Artist: Andreas Maria JacobsComment: