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  • Responsive audiovisual installation where visitors playfully stack, as if pieces of a giant interactive puzzle, plastic bins that act as symbols of containers transiting world markets. Video-mapping projections react to the new sculptural
  • ...Fulldome participatory installation as a metaphor for a prediction machine. Virtual space of knowledge...
  • ... links:
  • ... links:
  • ... performers, encountered via the smartphones of the visitors. Real and virtual...
  • ... generative animation. Emphasizing the artificial: the way technology forges illusions....
  • The Messive -
    Tapestry weaving on a base of binary code, gives an essential knowledge about our solar system, DNA, first 7 days of creation of Bible as a message for our descendants.
  • Re-Lighting -
    ...About 300 km above the Earth (the orbital altitude of the International Space Station), the planet's...
  • Inland Wonderland -
    ... it. A human figure begins to move and starts to run in disorder, triggering other...
  • ... seconds = 24 hours Credits: Software: Martin Nadal Seed image: Nam June Paik, »TV-Buddha«...