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  • AL GRANO: Framing Worlds deploys a staging of fact and ction where various registers of images, texts and objects, coexist. These digitally produced 2D and 3D pieces have as common element the manipulation of languages, histories and codes (the...
  • A seed of transgenic corn represents an explosive capsule that on the one hand has the capacity to divide communities and Nations, and on the other hand the ensuing debates have caused movements of conservation and care of ecosystems, the development...
  • Al GRANO: Corn Regime -
    “Al Grano: Corn Regime” addresses the livelihood struggles of maize growers in Mexico – center of origin, domestication and biodiversity of maize - and the balance/unbalance created by environmentally sustainable and exploitative agro-practices...
  • AL GRANO: Augmented Cereals (Version 02) showing a gallery visitor interacting with the piece using a smartphone and an app (aurasma). This is Augmented Reality work lives in two spaces: in a supermarket cereal aisle in which consumers interact with...
  • AL GRANO: Augmented Cereals is an art, science and technology installation in public space. This is an Augmented Reality work in which consumers interact with the work via smartphone in a supermarket breakfast cereal aisle, using an Augmented...
  • Akousmaflore is an interactive installation, a small garden composed of living musical plants, which react to gentle contact. Each plant reacts in a different way to contact by producing a specific sound. The plant «language» or song occurs through...
  • Akeno Project Vol 7 -
    AKENO PROJECT VOL 7 is a telepresence performance between Magnusborg Studios, Porvoo, Finland and Somido Center, Tokyo, Japan.

    (Marikki Hakola)
  • AirportSim -
    AirportSim aids an airport manager interested in efficiency to distribute resources throughout a model airport, balancing cost with customer satisfaction. The AirportSim application is made up of a number of user-manipulable simulation objects that...
  • Another type of Airground which resembled a large mattress, its upper and lower surfaces held together by interior ties.
  • Airground -
    The Airgrounds were a new genre of air structures comprising soft, responsive architectures the public could interact with. At the Brighton Festival a pyramid-shaped inflatable with a transparent outer skin and yellow inner skin, partially inflated...