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  • Electrostatic MonoprintsArtist: Eduardo KacComment:
  • For this installation an augmented-reality apparatus was made where the viewer could rotate and tilt an optical system attached to a monitor, so that various simple computer-generated objects could be seen floating in different locations in the real
  • Recollections I-IV -
    Recollections IV is an interactive video installation that invites the participant to move in front of a large video projection screen. As the person moves, his or her image is recorded by a video camera and passed on to a computer with special
  • Computer Pieces 1981 -
    Digital video 20 mins, colour, silent A set of abstract computer animations based on recombinant geometries. (source:
  • Typewritings -
    TypewritingsArtist: Eduardo KacComment:
  • Inside perspex panels and electro-mechanical system is able to sort over 2000 balls and create images by choosing the relevant positions of either the dark-blue or pale-yellow balls. These images are first created (by anyone) by drawing on a video
  • Displacements is an immersive film installation. An archetypal Americana living room was installed in an exhibition space. Then two performers were filmed in the space using a 16mm motion picture camera on a slowly rotating turntable in the room’s
  • There are two structural iterations of this anamorphic sculpture, which present the form of a typical architect’s adjustable drawing table. One is situated in a park and has four independent wooden elements, which only from one particular point of
  • Hole-in-Space -
    On a November evening in 1980 the unsuspecting public walking past the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City, and "The Broadway" department store located in the open air shopping center in Century City (LA), had a surprising
  • Early Performances -
    In the early '80s Eduardo Kac gave weekly performances on the streets of Cinelandia, the Bohemian center of Rio de Janeiro. He also performed at theaters, galleries, and on beaches. He concluded his performance project with a celebration of the