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  • "We Are Stardust" is a commissioned artwork by the Williamson Gallery at the Art Center College of Design, and the NASA Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. The focus of the project is the Spitzer Space...
  • We are Stardust -
    I received an invitation to work with the NASA Spitzer Space Center at CalTech in 2008 to realize an installation project for the exhibition OBSERVE held at the Art Center of College of Design in Pasadena. Following discussions and presentations by...
  • We Feel Fine is an exploration of human emotion on a global scale.

    Since August 2005, We Feel Fine has been harvesting human feelings from a large number of weblogs. Every few minutes, the system searches the world's newly posted blog entries for...
  • Weather Gauge -
    In Weather Gauge, numerical weather data from over 150 countries is simultaneously represented in a gallery forming an array of hypnotic animated data referencing a huge global spread of live information. Each piece of weather data rotates between...
  • Weave Mirror -
    The mechanical mirrors are made of various materials but share the same behavior and interaction; any person standing in front of one of these pieces is instantly reflected on its surface. The mechanical mirrors all have video cameras, motors and...
  • Lecture
  • The audio-visual environment “Web of Life” is formed by an immersive conjunction of projected three-dimensional computer graphic and video images, together with a fully spatialized acoustic experience and a specially conceived architectural...
    WEB-MINDSCAPE is an interactive installation joining diverse aspects, such as social network, sound, brainwaves and visual elements. It creates an immersive audiovisual environment, which is site-specific, where sound is diffused in surround, and the...
  • Website MMM -
    The web site MMM is based on the work-in-progress (The) Bride Descending a Staircase, developed by Simone Michelin, in Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro (BR), Philadelphia and New York (US), from 1989 to 1999. The series had a latter version created for...
  • Weir: the infrastructure of flowArtist: Tracey M. BensonComment: