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  • ...Photosynthetic Me is a bioart, interactive and Immersive installation that emerges from a process-based...
  • sentient (being) -
    ... sentient (being) is a result of artistic interrogation into that type of...
  • Mixed reality installation "COMBATscience Augmented II" is a mixed reality installation that critically reflects on science and its ethical implications, beginning with the gas attacks in World War I and continuing to contemporary research on
  • ...Timo Kahlen's interactive work of net art /source/ (Postfactual), 2017 invites the viewer to search for...
  • Audio Dust -
    ... and sound projections, 21 works of net art (2005 - 2020), complex and subtle compositions...
  • ... and sound projections, 21 works of net art (2005 - 2020), complex and subtle compositions...
  • ... and sound projections, 21 works of net art (2005 - 2020), complex and subtle compositions...
  • Timo Kahlen: UR, 2006 -
    ... and sound projections, 21 works of net art (2005 - 2020), complex and subtle compositions...
  • ... and sound projections, 21 works of net art (2005 - 2020), complex and subtle compositions...
  • ...Outside in: exile at homeArtist: Annabel CastroComment: