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  • Void Form #b3-19Artist: Emiliano ZucchiniComment:
    SOMEONE imagines a human version of Amazon Alexa, a smart home intelligence for people in their own homes. For a two month period in 2019, four participants’ homes around the United States were installed with custom-designed smart devices, including...
  • Waking Agents -
    In the age of smart everything, even the personal space of sleep is invaded. The installation consists of a set of six pillows in an immersive environment. Visitors are invited to lay down and nap with a “smart” pillow, attended to by its embedded...
  • The exhibition at the Negev Museum of Art is part of an international project, which originated in 2012 under the title of EDEN (Ethics, Durability, Ecology, Nature). The project is based on the idea of continuing the restoration of the enchanted...
  • This experimental animation approaches Hong Kong’s built environment from the conceptual perspective of celluloid film, by applying the technique of film animation to the photographic image. The city’s signature architecture of horizon-eclipsing...
  • Light object The work was conceived for the Printscreen Festival in Holon, Israel. Thinking the internet as a territory and as a field of action, the content of the work addresses matters of social movements, surveillance, algorithms, and...
  • Quotes -
    Print on circuit board The 'Quotes' series brings forward questions regarding research ethics and responsibility in science. Landscape format PCB blanks become image carriers; their motifs and quotations, composed in monochrome black or white, had...
  • “Matrix XII Krems” connects the new State Gallery of Lower Austria and the Kunsthalle Krems in a vast space below ground. The individual lights are arranged in a strict square grid on a slanted plane and delineate the border between emptiness and...
  • Making of Eve Clone Portraits IMR is a continuous series of the Making of Eve Clone I video, extending the digital images of da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man and Eve Clone into a real space. The viewer, is invited to put on an MR(Mixed Reality)helmet, will...
  • “Making of Eve Clone Portrait” received the First Prize in ART WOMEN International Exhibition held by PPLG in Italy ?FELLOWSHIP PRIZE 2020 – Platinium Certificate Award ?Best concept on the trilogy of the word “Culture-Territory-Identity”)...