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  • Osmoboxes
    ... art that responds to the presence of the viewer by...
  • ..."Every poem in the book Aromapoetry employs nanotechnology by binding...
  • Early Performances -
    ...In the early '80s Eduardo Kac gave weekly performances on the streets...
  • Escracho is an artist's book conceived, designed, and produced by Eduardo Kac in 1983 in Rio de Janeiro. It includes contributions from artists and writers from several countries in a variety of forms (visual poetry, essay, cartoon, collage, graphic
  • ... and objects. After the conclusion in 1982 of his...
  • Public Works -
    Public WorksArtist: Eduardo KacComment:
  • Typewritings -
    TypewritingsArtist: Eduardo KacComment:
  • Visual Poems and Language ArtArtist: Eduardo KacComment:
  • Electrostatic MonoprintsArtist: Eduardo KacComment:
  • NFT Buddha
    ...NFT Buudha is a commentary on the NFT-based art trend of the early...