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  • ... unusual tour. The strange mode of navigation not only changes the course of events, but also the structures of perception in virtual space. The Freud-Lissitzky Navigator grew out of conversations about a problem that Klein had been wrestling with since 1995:...
  • ... planet. Dematerialized by its own reflections, the artificial landscape blurs the distinction between the real and the virtual. Simulacra of the natural metaphorically mediate the idea of nature as a projection, one that mirrors our own projections and...
  • Tesla Electric -
    ... from the International Tesla Society. In this production, we tested a new method of immersing an audience into a virtual scene. In the past we have relied on real-time graphics to give our audience a sense of moving along with the on-stage...
  • Word Play
    ... is always changing. While these LED displays are moving, text passes through them. In effect, each display is a window on a virtual space of letters that form phrases derived from well-known theatre scripts by authors such as by Shakespeare, Schiller and...
  • World Without End -
    ...World Without End Virtual Reality, Commission, Manarat al Saadiyat 2017-18 Overview For Manarat al Saadiyat cultural center program, "Ramadan Arcade", artworks were commissioned that addressed Emirates culture during the holiday season. For this program, I created a...
  • ... groupings. The results are then captured, either as flat 2D images, or else as time-based changing compositions in the virtual 3D environment. Each time the software is activated, it creates a unique composition in the organization of visual elements,...
  • Letter
    ... reader is able to grab and spin this cosmic verbal image in all directions. Thus, reading becomes a process of probing the virtual object from all possible angles. The reader is also able to fly through and around the object, thus expanding reading...
  • Stanze -
    ... camera are separated by the background and elaborated in real time in term of the colors. Finally they are inserted in the virtual environments (the imaginary internal rooms) and projected on the screen. The gestures achieved by the observers cause the...
  • ... or drawing on a piece of paper on the pedestal of the installation. These writings or drawings soon transform into living virtual beings. When writing and drawing with the new Hermès Nautilus pen, the thoughts and inspirations of the visitors first become...
  • Life Spacies - video
    ... evolutionary forms and images. "Life Spacies" enables visitors to integrate themselves into a 3 dimensional complex virtual world of artificial life organisms that react to the visitors body movement, motion and gestures. The artificial life...