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  • ... derived from the video/sound in part 1...
  • Golem -
    ...Digital video installation 2 monitors and 12 channel audio,...
  • Border/No Border -
    ...The first video represents the Indian dancer and...
  • GLK 03x -
    ... created: 2012 This video still derives from a...
  • Tattoo -
    Video installation Series 'Bags' A variable number of paper...
  • ... Pavilion, Video Studio and Auditorium,...
  • GLK 07z -
    ... created: 2012 This video still derives from a...
  • ...Short video showing the installation of "Border Patrol" by...
  • Twin Depths -
    ... people armed with a video camera, computer,...
  • video 6,’42 Images of material objects (sculptures by Alen...