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  • ... presence of the contributors. The 2D map on the internet consists of 280 objects selected from the total database by the... first exhibited in 1993 at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco and "Equivalents II", first exhibited at...
  • SensingSpeakingSpace -
    ... the two visual states. The vision program send messages over a network to a SuperCollider program that controls the sound synthesis...
  • Chance Encounters -
    ... station platforms in Los Angeles, as part of the Experimental Art for Riders program. The theme of the installation is the chance...
  • ... of the moment the one of photography which reveals a complex network of characteristic signs from our own experience of reality....
  • Watch Out! -
    The World wide Panoptikon increases global exposure. Is Big Watcher b[r]othering us? Should we be afraid of being seen or should we enjoy the World's transparency as a way of proclaiming everyone's difference? In Watch Out!
  • Figure -
    ...FIGURE is an interactive installation. Spectators are invited to take part in the formation process of the cinematic meaning. The interaction is...
  • Akeno Project Vol 7 -
    AKENO PROJECT VOL 7 is a telepresence performance between Magnusborg Studios, Porvoo, Finland and Somido Center, Tokyo, Japan. (Marikki Hakola)
  • ...TRIAD NetDance was a live Internet netcast between Helsinki, Tokyo and New York on 5th of June 1998. TRIAD NetDance took place simultaneously on...
  • Nano-Scape - video
    ... intuitively accessible through touch. A wireless magnetic force-feedback interface allows users to touch invisible nano... science and media try to capture images of these tiniest of particles in order to understand their properties, Nano-Scape tries to...
  • ... images and image elements are directly derived from the Internet, they are "The Living Room's" interpretation of the... sound and voice environment. It becomes "alive" and starts to "sense" when users enter and interact with this room. Like in...